Wednesday, October 30, 2019


DOES CONDUCTIING ACADEMIC RESEARCH DIFFER FROM GENERAL RESEARCH HOW PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE - Essay Example It uses established scientific fundamentals, which are organized and articulated with scientific research methods to generate new set of truth or information. Results of academic research are published in journals, magazines books and other learning media (National Institute of Public Administration 63-66). On the other hand, general research refers to research that aims to establish facts not necessarily scientific. Although establishment of underlying facts through literature review is essential for general research, it is not as robust as in academic research. For instance, a research aimed investigating the impact of new communication strategies to information utilization in a given organizational set up qualifies as a general research. However, a clinical research aimed at determining the best quantity of drug to administer for a given treatment qualifies as academic research. Although the two types of research may not be clearly distinct, academic research is more scientific based and mostly demands use of scientific research methodologies. General research is less scientific

Monday, October 28, 2019

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Essay Dickens promptly introduces the reader to Pip who serves both as the retrospective narrator and as the young protagonist of the novel. This works on a two level approach with regard to guiding us through the plot as an omnipotent narrator whilst simultaneously leading us through Pip’s life with the immediacy of a first person narrative. It is clear from the beginning that it is Pip’s perceptions which entirely define the events and characters of the novel. Dickens utilises this dichotomy in the opening chapter by exploiting Pip’s narrative perspective. We are introduced to Pip as if in the midst of a pleasant conversation with him, ‘I give Pirrip as my father’s family name†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Immediately after however, we are subjected to the unravelling thoughts and fears of a frightened child under threat. This serves to capture our attention and instil a sense of compassion for Pip, for who we fear the worst. Dickens employs Pip as the narrator to present a prospective and prophetic relationship between himself and the escaped convict. As a reader, this initially appears to be a strange concept solely based on the power dynamics between Pip and the convict and his demands, with Pip reciprocating for fear of his life. However, as they part, Pip looks back to see the man walking alone into the marshes. This metaphorical image of the convict hugging ‘his shuddering body in both his arms’ on the horizons with the gallows, is strikingly familiar to the initial image we had of Pip who was holding himself in the cold, alone in the churchyard with the gravestones of his dead parents. As a reader, it appears that their relationship seems to warm at that moment, with the two sharing a common loneliness and marginalisation from society – the orphan and the escaped convict. Dickens uses this characterisation to develop our imagination of Pip, in that whilst Pip is afraid, he insti nctively displays a sympathetic reaction and remains resolute. Pip’s description of the convict when he first meets him seems elongated in response to the time he would have actually viewed him with, as he ‘only [had] a moment to see it’. Pip describes the convict as a man ‘who limped, and shivered, and glared, and growled’. The repetition of the word ‘and’ before each verb makes the list of the convict’s appearance sound considerably longer. The use of an iambic poetic rhythm further reinforces this idea that the list is made to sound longer. The words used to describe the convict are also stressed to sound more convincing, creating an extended metaphor of an animal. Pip is afraid of this ‘fearful man’ because of his animal like features and wounds. The portrayal of the convict cannot be easily forgotten for the reader and our imagination of him becomes almost reality. Dickens gives no clear indication of the man’s future in Pip’s life but he does create the sense t hat the convict will return, largely by building up a sense of mystery around the convict’s situation and his relationship with Pip. Dickens creates sympathy for Pip by making it explicitly clear that he has been deprived of parental guidance. He has never known his parents, ‘The shape of the letter’s on my father’s, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair.’ This image of Pip being completely alone in a desolate cemetery trying to imagine the appearances of his parents makes us commiserate with him. We are also reminded of his youth and innocence with the childish conclusions he arrives at regarding the appearances of his parents. The gravestone reads ‘also Georgiana, wife of the above’, and in Pip thinking that his Mother’s name is actually ‘also Georgiana’, we sympathise with him for his lack of awareness. We are able to establish from this that Mrs Joe Gargery never mentions or talks about their Mother, which again makes us realise his lack of parental love. This light-hearted ponder at the gravestone’s inscriptions briefly lifts the sombre mood of the chapter which largely revolves around death, and allows Dickens to lessen the dramatic tension building up. We can conclude from this chapter that Pip has experienced loss and death at an early age but he seems accustomed to it. However, it could also reveal how Pip is lacking in certain life experiences, which we realise could affect him and his choices negatively in the future. We discover that Pip’s five younger brothers gave up trying to obtain a living exceedingly early in that ‘universal struggle’. Whilst they had ‘given in’ but Pip himself hadn’t, it reveals his resilience and strength to succeed. Knowing this, this early in the novel about Pip’s character, it infuses the read er with a sense of optimism about Pip and his future. Dickens concentrates heavily on the ‘bleak’ settings and grave moods to prepare the reader for a sense of what’s to come in the story, and of Pip. Dickens thoroughly describes the setting of the eerie Kent marshes in detail in order to deliver a definite mood early in the novel. The use of the setting in a graveyard works a mood of isolation and desolation; Pip is isolated by the fact he is an orphan. The graveyard itself is described as ‘bleak’ and ‘overgrown’, conveying that it has been neglected much like Pip himself. The repetition of ‘dead and buried’ further lowers the mood. Pip recalls that his ‘most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things’ is placed at a time between light and dark – perhaps symbolising the transition from good to bad, which we realise may be relevant later in Pip’s life. We see that Pip realises this whilst being shaken upside down by the convict, symbolising t hat he has a distorted view of things, with them perhaps being upside down themselves. Dickens sets the chapter in a graveyard to deliver a sombre mood. A wide open space seems harsher than an inside enclosed one, and Pip is less familiar with them. The external world offers Dickens a space to experiment with the idea of Pip being afraid of things he has not previously experienced. This makes Pip feel unsettled and isolated, which is passed on to an involved reader. The derelict setting is further reflected in the mood as Dickens describes the landscape surrounding the churchyard. He continually describes it as a ‘dark flat wilderness’ which is dreary in appearance and has the possibility to harbour deep and unknown dangers. Obstacles in the marshes such as ‘dykes’, ‘mounds’, and ‘gates’ work as visual obstructions for Pip but on a metaphorical level as symbols for possible upcoming obstacles in Pip’s life. Dickens maintains the use of words such as ‘flat’, ‘low’ and ‘darkâ€℠¢ which gives an eerie feel and dense mood to the opening chapter. There is also further symbolism in Pip’s surrounding, in that there is both a flowing river and flat, solid ground on the same landscape. This could reflect that there are two ways in which to travel the same distance and that Pip is soon to have to choose a path to take, which will in turn alter his life. This is thought provoking and concerning to us as a reader, whilst simultaneously intensifying the already dampening mood. The marshland is repeatedly represented as a place where good meets sin, and this is clear in the skyline. It has ‘long angry red lines and dense black lines intermixed’, and these frightening colours and the ‘darkness of the sky’ all accentuate Pip’s vulnerability in this graveyard full of misery, with the pathetic fallacy working to highlight his isolation. There are also only two vertical structures on the horizontal landscape of the marshes – a beacon and gallows. The beacon’s use is to guide sailors home and steer them from danger, whereas gallows are used to hang criminals for crimes they have committed. These two structures symbolise good and evil and the choices in which Pip is to make – leading to either a life of good or a life of sin. The ‘green mounds’ and ‘nettles’ all portray the hostility of everything against Pip, with connotations of something that could hurt him. The ‘wind’ rushes from the ‘distant savage lair’. This metaphor is used to describe the sea from which the ‘wind is rushing’ and the use of pathetic fallacy creates a harsh and tense atmosphere of a claustrophobic nature. However, to Pip, the wind is a wild beast and the ‘savage lair’ is the den from which the wind comes. This further intensifies the sympathy we as a reader have for Pip. To conclude, Dickens utilises the vulnerability and innocence of Pip to evoke both sympathy and anticipation for the young boy and his future. It is the confusion of the opening chapter’s happenings and the title ‘Great Expectations’ which makes us as a reader eager to continue the novel and our journey with Pip.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Use of First Person Narration in The Cask of Amontillado Essay

The Use of First Person Narration in The Cask of Amontillado Edgar Allen Poe’s tale of murder and revenge, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, offers a unique perspective into the mind of a deranged murderer. The effectiveness of the story is largely due to its first person point of view, which allows the reader a deeper involvement into the thoughts and motivations of the protagonist, Montresor. The first person narration results in an unbalanced viewpoint on the central conflict of the story, man versus man, because the reader knows very little about the thoughts of the antagonist, Fortunato. The setting of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, in the dark catacombs of Montresor’s wine cellar, contributes to the story’s theme that some people will go to great lengths to fanatically defend their honor. Because Montresor narrates the story in the first person, the reader is able to perceive his thoughts and understand his motivations and justifications for his ruthless murder in a manner which a third person point of view would not allow. Montresor’s personal narration of the events of the story does not justify his crime in the audience’s eyes, but it does offer a unique opportunity for the audience to view a murder from the perspective of a madman killer. It is Poe’s usage of this unique angle that causes the story to be so captivating and gruesomely fascinating. As the story opens, Montresor explains why it is necessary that he â€Å"not only punish but punish with impunity† to avenge for Fortunado’s insult to him. This justification for his crime is a piece of information that the audience is able to learn only because they are permitted inside the mind of the protagonist. In the final scene, when Montresor is carrying out his murder pl.. . ...ause this statement reveals Montresor’s satisfaction in his belief that justice has been served through his actions when he has actually removed a body from its resting place in order to replace it with a live one. Edgar Allen Poe’s gruesomely fascinating tale of vengeance and murder, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, achieves its effect only through its usage of the first person point of view. This unusual perspective enables the reader to view the characters and conflicts through the eyes of the narrator, as he first discusses and justifies, and eventually, carries out his plans for the ruthless murder of his friend. The eerie tone and disorienting and materialistically-related setting of the story contribute to its theme of defending one’s honor and name and avenging all wrongdoings, even something so small as an insult.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disability Discrimination Employment Law Essay

Disability Discrimination, Employment Law Introduction            The employment law governs the duties and rights between employees and employers and are also referred as labour law. The rules are largely designed to keep the workers safe as well as ascertain that they are treated reasonably within the workplace. In addition, the Employment Laws are also enacted to protect the employer’s interest. In a nutshell, Employment Laws are based on national and state charter, administrative rules, court opinions and legislation. As mentioned earlier, a particular employment relationship can be governed by a contract between the employer and the employee. For example, the American Employment Act traces back to the community protest, in opposition to the unfair practices during the industrial revolution in the 20th century. The initial laws were enacted to compensate the injured workers, outlaw child labour and establish minimum wage for the workers. However, the law has been expanded to cover other aspects faced in the contract of employment (Davies, 2012).            Employment discrimination laws are the federal and state laws which usually prohibit employers from treating the workers differently in reference to certain attributes. Discrimination by government employers ‘for example’ violates the constitution guarantee of equal protection. Under the current law, persons are protected against unfairness based on aspects such as their skin colour, race, country of origin or genetic information (such as family medical history), gender, disability, religion or age. In several cases, it is also unlawful for employers to show favouritism based on political affiliation, sexual orientation or marital status.            What is discrimination? Labour market discrimination is referred as the difference in the treatment of two qualified individuals job applicant or workers on account of their disability, religion, race, gender, etc. It is the main source of inequality in the workplaces. Discrimination is harmful as it affects the economy outcomes of business entities, organizations, and that of equally productive workers. This can either be directly or indirectly. Discrimination is not only about measurable outcomes but also involves unquantifiable outcomes. However, at some points it becomes hard to differentiate between productivity relate inequality at the workplaces and discrimination. However, over the time, employment inequalities have declined but the vital issue on employment discrimination is the persistence of the vice (discrimination) in the capitalist economy.            In employment law, direct discrimination is decisions such as the failure to hire, unequal pay and benefits, firing of workers that are based on an applicant’s or employees characteristics such as colour, gender, religion disability among other characteristics. Indirect discrimination is when discrimination arises from employment policies issued by the employer. The policies have an adverse effect on the employee’s race, colour of their skin, ethnicity and other like characteristics. For example, when an organization has all the facilities and can be accessed by all the workers including the disabled, but access to the building by the disabled workers is from the back side of the building; then this is a form of indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination is when two different people ‘for example’ a white and black with the same qualification apply for a job vacant. The black person is told the job was taken, but when the white applies , the response is different, and the job is available. Disability discrimination            Disability discrimination is a form of discrimination in workplaces where a manager or other body covered by the Association for people with Disabilities Act, treats an employee or an applicant with a disability in an unlawful way. It is also giving harsh treatment to an individual only because he is disabled. On the other hand, disability inequity also occurs when a covered employer or other entity treats an employee or applicant less favourably because he or she has an account of a disability. Disabilities may involve cases such as cancer that is inhibited or in reduction and also cases such as mental or a physical mutilation. (Mutilation that is not short-lived such that it is expected to last or lasting for 6 months or less). The labour law ‘however’ requires an employer to supply rational accommodation to such a worker or a job aspirant with any form of disability. Despite this, there is an exceptional for such provision. In case doing so would ca use major complexity or expenditure to the employer (undue hardship), the employer is permitted to neglect the Employment Law (Geisen & Harder, 2011).            Under the equality Act 2010, disability discrimination by an employer is when he or she treats a job applicant or an employee’s less favourably because of his or her disability. For example, job is a qualified accountant and applied for the job of chief accountant officer in company A. However, his application was turned down after; the management learnt that he is on a wheelchair user. This is direct disability discrimination. When an organization has a policy or procedure which despite applying to all the workers in the entity, puts people who share disability at a disadvantage compared to others, it is referred as indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination is more prominent in comparison with indirect. It is mostly experienced when a person is discriminated in the following areas; employment, education and training, provision of facilities, goods or services among many other areas (Perry et al, 2004).            There are various sources of Employment Law or the labour law both at international and national level. It can be found in a number of different sources. One of the main sources is the Common Law. This is the law made by judges when announcing their judgment in cases. Common Law is different from the Legislation law. Secondly, there is the Legislation source of the employment laws which is also known as Acts of Parliament or Statute law. These are laws drafted and enacted by the government. For example under the Employment law, there are Employment Act 2008, Employment act 2002, Employment rights Act 1996. Others include; Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005, human rights act 1998, Equality Act, 2006 among many other acts that are used to govern the employment contracts ‘as well as sources of Employment law’. What is contained in the different Act may differ from one country to another. Government agencies Contribution in preventing disability discrimination            Government agencies in the UK, has been known for their commitment to social justice for all the people. This has been through various ways such as access of vital information to all people. The government has embarked on the implementation of the United Kingdom employment equality law. This is a body of which legislates against prejudice based actions in the workplaces. The law has well stipulated guidance in prevention of discrimination against the defined characteristics such as disability. In addition, the government has a well established court system that has allowed disability discrimination victims to report in case of any discrimination experience. The government has been on the forefront in fighting against discrimination. This been seen through the support of agencies such as human rights movement. The movement is allowed to fight for the rights of minority groups in the community. The government has also supported the fight against disability discrimina tion through the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). The act makes it criminal to categorize against disabled persons. The law was enacted in1995 to provide stability in employment. The U.K. government has since extensively improved the DDA’s reward by extending its extent to award disabled persons lawfully protected social rights in almost all decisive areas of life (Mabbett, 2005). Contribution of human rights in disability discrimination            Since the founding of the human rights movement, the establishment has been on the forefront in promoting fundamental human rights. The establishment has been and continues to fight for equality as this is the cornerstone of fighting all kinds of discrimination. The project of fighting disability discrimination has been through the collaboration of the government and the human rights organization as well as like minded establishment. However, the fight against disability discrimination has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is the peaceful existence of people in the places of work. Whether disabled or not, the extinction of discrimination in the work places makes it possible for each and every employee contribute positively to the running of the organization. In addition, the fight has led to minimized discriminations against disabled people. It also provides vital egalitarianism through equal rights in service. Finally, it makes easy access of goods and services to all people such as public transport, education among others, as well as providing optimal conditions for retaining and hiring qualified workers (Hunter, 1992).            However, the fight against disability discrimination has resulted to increased expenses for the organization and business entities. For example, the employer is supposed to provide adequate resources for the disabled to have equal access as the other workers. If workers is confined into a wheelchair, his mobility is limited, the employer is supposed to provide adequate facilities and structures to enhance such a worker movement. This calls for extra financial need to support the disabled people. Disability discrimination cases at work place. (Case 1)Case Summary            Joan Maya (the plaintiff) worked for Sweet Restaurant Limited. She sued her former employer Sweet Restaurant Limited for direct disability discrimination. Despite Sweet Restaurant Limited (the defendant) not making explicit remarks about Joan’s disabilities when terminating her employment, the court found that, the reason behind Joan’s dismissal was her injuries. In turn, the court ruled in favour of Joan and awarded damages for injuries and loss of income. Facts            Joan was employed by the Sweet Restaurant Limited as a waiter in its Liverpool restaurant. She was supposed to help wheelchair-bound customers by lifting the right side of the wheelchair using his left hand together with three other waiters. On 30th April 2010, Joan sustained an injury to the left side of her body while supporting a wheelchair-bound customer. The Employees’ Compensation (Ordinary Assessment) Board Sweet Restaurant Limited assessed that Joan had suffered a 1 percent loss in earnings capacity as a result of that injury. However, Joan alleged that the Defendant had engaged in unlawful disability discrimination in breach of the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) on the grounds that: The Defendant delayed or defaulted in reimbursing medical expenses to Joan. Mr. Walter, a manager of the Defendant, displayed a ferocious facial expression to Joan. Walter was dissatisfied when Joan asked to hold the left side of the wheelchair (instead of the right side) due to her injury.            Mr. Victor John, a director of the Defendant, had expressed dissatisfaction taking her sick leave. He showed a judgmental facial expression to Joan, yelled at her and directed her to leave Sweet Restaurant Limited for her inability to use her left hand to carry the wheelchair. The Defendant dismissed Joan with 7 days’ wages without notice and giving no reason. The Defendant denied the accusation of illegal discrimination. It argued that Joan was already well again from his injuries at the material times, and sought to base Joan’s dismissal on her poor work presentation. Decision            The Court alleged that, the complaints made against Joan’s work performance were unconfirmed because: No warning in print had been issued about Joan’s poor performance. I addition, there is no record of Joan’s attendance had been produced by the Defendant to show that Joan had intentionally selected the busiest dates to take leave. The conditions indicated that the reason for Joan’s discharge was not her deprived performance, but the soured affiliation between the parties. This was after she had her injuries. Despite the fact that no remarks were made by Walter or Victor that pointed directly at her disabilities, the Court concluded that the disgust they directed against Joan was as a result of the work injuries Joan had sustained. The Court held that the Defendant had acted in breach of the DDO and awarded damages to Joan of $101,181.70 comprising compensation for injuries sustained and her loss of earnings. Comments from the case            It is illegal to treat a worker less satisfactorily on the grounds of the employee’s disability. An employer does not need to have made any explicit remarks about an employee’s disability to engage in unlawful disability discrimination. As such, an employer needs to be careful about how it treats an employee who has a disability or who may have suffered an injury. The explanation of the case was based on the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), which is the major law concerned with discrimination cases. The act is used to define disability in context to the case scenario. However, despite the well laid law in prevention of disability discrimination (direct discrimination), the implementation of justice has challenges which is identification of evidences to support the cases.            There has been the enactment of disability prevention policies which are directed at controlling and minimization of discrimination cases. The policies are usually contained in the law with well stipulated procedure for employees and employers. There has been a shift away from treating disabled persons as passive recipients of welfare to viewing them as people with rights and the capacity to control their own care. The disabled people’s society, in campaigning for an inclusive community, is highly decisive of the form that recent government policy on anti-discrimination has taken. The employers are always supposed to adhere to the rules and regulations of the law about any form of discrimination. (Reitz, 2007).The process of employment law enactment has been faced with numerous challenges. One of the main challenges is the difference in policies from that are implemented by various organizations and employment companies in curbing organizations. Despite the general law against the disability discrimination ‘as well as other forms of discrimination’ different organizations have various approach method in curbing the vice. This greatly the common goal of the discrimination eradication acts. In addition, the reluctance of the people in the country has contributed to fully enactment of the law. This is whereby employees fail to report discrimination cases to the courts. This has in turn become a stumbling block in the fight against employee discrimination. Another challenge in curbing discrimination is the lack of information and educates education on the matter (lack of knowledge to the people). Education programs are frequently organized to educate not only the employees but also the general public on ways to eliminate discrimination.            The employment law and legal institutions have to the change of the social interaction between the law and society. The employment law has contributed to the social understanding and existence of different people in work places. In other words, the law has created equality in the society. Law has, more often than not, been measured as the conventional approach of the state to manage and uphold social order within its domain. It is also taken as a mechanism to successfully promote and uphold regulations in the societies. Laws and regulations are generally constructed on lawful concepts that emerge for centuries all through time, and they are influencing everyday life in varying ways. If we, for theoretical purposes, understand the law as a system of rules, the relations between law and society has until recently been both fairly straightforward and based on customs, traditions, geographical boundaries and physical space. Conclusion            The employment law and measure remains important features of employment regulation. Employers are much less likely to determine policies or employment practices without reference to legal standards. Nevertheless, there is still achievement which has been attained in curbing various levels of discrimination among the workers. Disability discrimination however, requires efforts from various stakeholders in order to minimize the discrimination in workplaces. The adoption of the legislation setting into the employment laws has improved labour standards and in turn strengthens the workers as well as their unions. The designing of labour laws today also has a key position in ensuring that a high level of employment and sustained economic growth is accompanied by continuous improvement of the living and working conditions globally. References Blanpain, R. (2009).  European labour law. Alphen aan den Rijn [etc.: Kluwer. Reitz, A. E. (2007).  Labor and employment law in the new EU member and candidate states. Chicago: American Bar Association. Davies, A. C. L. (2012).  EU labour law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub. Hunter, R. C. (1992).  Indirect discrimination in the workplace. Annandale, NSW: Federation Press.Susser, P., & Petesch, P. J. (2011).  Disability discrimination and the workplace. Arlington, Va: BNA Books. International Labour Office. (2007).  Equality at work: Tackling the challenges : global report under the follow up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Geneva: International Labour Office. Geisen, T., & Harder, H. G. (2011).  Disability management and workplace integration: International research findings. Farnham, Surrey: Gower. In Heymann, J., In Stein, M. A., & In Moreno, G. (2013).  Disability and equity at work.Parry, J., & American Bar Association. (2008).  Disability discrimination law, evidence and testimony: A comprehensive reference manual for lawyers, judges and disability professionals. Chicago, Ill: American Bar Association, Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law. Perry, P., Perry Scott Nash Group., & British Standards Institution. (2004).  Winning with the Disability Discrimination Act: A guide for business. London: BSI. Mabbett, D. (2005). The Development of Rights-based Social Policy in the European Union: The Example of Disability Rights. Journal Of Common Market Studies,  43(1), 97-120. doi:10.1111/j.0021-9886.2005.00548.x Research and, M. (4). Research and Markets: European Union Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality: Investigating the Triangle of Racial, Gender and Disability Discrimination.  Business Wire (English). UK employment law – Disability discrimination. Retrieved from; Disability discrimination, Retrieved from; Source document

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Biology What Are Your Career Goals and How Do Your Immediate Educational Plans Fit Into Them Essay

Biomedical Science Biomedical Science is the application of biology – based science for medical use. It will allow you to learn the human body at the whole body, organ, tissue, cell and sub cellular level. You will also learn how these systems can go wrong in various diseases and how accurate diagnosis can be made using a variety of laboratory tests. Biomedical Science is a continually changing, dynamic profession with long-term career prospect including research, management and education. Biomedical Scientist Biomedical Scientist learns scientific and personal skills and gain qualification that can be transferred all over the world and can be recognised globally. BTEC HND Biomedical Science graduates may apply for the associate membership of the Institute of Biomedical Science in the UK after obtaining 5 years of relevant work experience. Careers Hospital laboratory biomedical scientist Industrial laboratory bio-scientist Bio-science research Medicine or Dentistry (after acceptance in medical school and further training) Science teaching Transfer Opportunities Students, who successfully complete HND in Biomedical Science, can transfer to Northumbria University Biomedical Science Degree which is accredited by the Institute for Biomedical Sciences (IBMS). It provides the education and training required to become a Registered Biomedical Scientist. awarded by BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) BTEC HND in Biomedical Science is a 16 unit higher level qualification which is awarded by Edexcel UK. Programme Structure Unit 01 Unit 02 Unit 03 Unit 04 Unit 05 Unit 06 Unit 07 Unit 08 Cell Biology Biochemistry Human Physiology Laboratory Techniques Medical Microbiology Project Analysis of Scientific Information and Data Quality Assurance & Quality Control Unit 09 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Histology and Haematology†¦ [continues]