Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Health Risk Of Cell Phones
Health Risk Of Cell Phones The cellular phone is a pervasive technology that has evolved from a luxury item justified only by the rich businessman to a necessity to some and an addiction to others. According to Portio Research Limited approximately 4.344 billion cell phones are in use globally. Since the latter part of 2008 one fifth of households in the United States have chosen this technology as their sole method of voice communication, replacing traditional landline telephones. Source: Fram, (2009). A 2009 Marist Poll found that 87% of U.S. residents say they own a cell phone. So what exactly is a cellular telephone? History tells us that Alexander Graham Bell received the first U.S. patent for a communication device called the telephone in 1875. This device allowed a human voice to be transmitted across a cooper wire. We grew up with the telephone and in my generation every house had at least one telephone. The first patent for cordless phone technology was given in 1959 but the technology did not become commercially viable until the breakup of the Ma Bell monopoly in the early 1980s, it was then that several companies started manufacturing wireless phone systems. These cordless phone systems were still connected to landlines but in actuality were two way radios using RF or Radio Frequency technology. Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum of radiation. Todays cell phones use EHF (Extremely High Frequency) or microwaves which are the same technology our microwave ovens are based on. Because the telephone started out as a safe technology we grew up using, people do not even think about the possible negative health consequences of using their cell phone. Cell phone usage has negative effects to your health. However when it comes to the health risks associated with using a cell phone, there is conflicting research. Mobile phone technology is new and its effects are unknown. We have only been using wireless communication technology for the last thirty years. There are not large enough studies conducted over long enough periods of time to come to the conclusion that this technology is safe. Cigarette smoking and even X-Rays where once thought to be safe, until enough information came to light to prove the dangers of using them. Most of the major studies have been done in countries that have a financial stake in the manufacturing of cell phones. Interphone is one of the largest studies ever done. It took place over the course of ten years and included the research of 13 different countries, comprising subjects from the age of 30-59. Even with large studies such as Interphone (which included 14,078 cases), there are on going debates about what the data actually means, thus with no conclusive results the report remains unpublished. But one thing they all agree on is that more research is needed. (Reardon, 2009, para. 6). Another issue involved is that the te chnology being used is rapidly evolving; the current incarnation of the cell phone is less than ten years old. The Stewart Report from the International Experts Group on Mobile Phones claims (Stewart, 2000, 40) New Telecommunications technologies have been introduced without full provision of information about their nature and without prior discussion within the scientific community about the consequences for health. The research is static while the technology is dynamic. The use of Cell phones increases the risk of cancer. Using a cell phone held up against your ear can increase your risk of getting cancer or brain tumors due to the proximity of the radiations source to the head and brain. There are many studies available which indicate a link between various types of cancer and cell phone usage. A study done in Sweden by Dr. Lennart Hardwell showed that the risk of acoustic neuroma and glioma are increased from 20% (low grade giloma) to 400% (high grade giloma) by long term mobile phone use (>10 years), highest risk category being ipsilateral exposure. Source: (Harwell, Carlberg, SÃ ¶derqvist, Mild Morgan, 2007). Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, MD and Director of the University of Pittsburg Cancer Institute and UPMC Cancer Center testified before the Domestic Policy Subcommittee Oversight and Government Reform Committee My attention was directed to a large body of evidence, including expert analyses showing absorption of RF into the brain and the comprehensive Bioinitiative Report, review of experimental a nd public health studies pointing to potential adverse biologic effects of RF signals, including brain tumors, associated with long-term and frequent use of cell phones held to the ear. Source: Herberman, R. (2008). Dr Herberman felt strongly enough about the connection between increased cancer risk and using a cell phone that he issued a warning to his staff which included 10 detailed steps to reduce exposure to the RF electromagnetic radiation. Cell phones do not cause cancer. Sources such as the US Food and Drug Administration and the American Cancer Society have found cell phone usage has not been directly linked to an increased risk of brain, and other cancers. The United States Food and Drug Administration is the government agency responsible for evaluating and regulating the safety of products that emit radiation. These products cover medical to entertainment electronics. The FDA website under the topic of Radiation emitting products, health issues, a simple question is asked and answered, Do cell phones pose a health hazard? Source: www.fda.gov (2010). The answer clearly states the scientific evidence has not proven that cell phones cause cancer or any other health issues. The American Cancer Society has evaluated close to 30 studies which were focused on the relationship between tumors and cell phone usage. The results of these studies have been similar. Most studies do not show a dose-response relationship a tendency for the risk of brain tumors t o increase with increasing cell phone use, which would be expected if cell phone use caused brain tumors. Source: www.cancer.org (2010). Certainly these organizations are credible and have no financial interest in the outcome of this controversial health topic. Mobile phones emit low-level RF. Because the RF levels emitting are so low, there is no direct link between mobile phones and health issues. According to the FDA cell phone levels of RF are low putting them into the range of microwaves. Microwaves produce non-ionizing radiation, not to be confused with ionizing radiation such as gamma or x-rays which does have a damaging effect on biological tissue. The Federal Communications Commission defines a biological effect as a measurable change in a biological system. The presence of a biological change does not translate into something that is biologically harmful. When the biological effect causes detectable impairment of the health of the individual or of his or her offspring it is categorized as harmful to ones safety. Source: U.S. Federal Communications Commission, Office of Engineering and Technology, (1999). These RF levels are only at their peak when actually transmitting and receiving, which limits the amount of exposure. The FDA stated that no prove existed that cellular phones are dangerous, however if people still have apprehension there many preventive methods that can be implanted to further decrease exposure to the already low level of RF energy. Cartoon Interpretation In this cartoon the author is suggesting that user is aware that using his cell phone is dangerous, by the comical way he attempts to protect himself with the metal helmet. In addition he appears to be discussing these concerns with his physician, who states If youre worried about the dangers of mobile phones why dont you use it less. As with any other type of radiation, the time of the exposure is one of the factors that determine the patient dose. By suggesting that the patient use his phone less the doctor is re-enforcing this principal. With the advent on new technologies such as mobile internet, text messaging and email people are using their cell phones for extended periods of time and carry them constantly. By turning the phone off when not in use the patient could further decrease his exposure. Another concept radiation protection uses is increasing the distance between them and the source of radiation. This patient could eliminate the need for his humorous helmet by using so me ear buds with a microphone. The ear buds would allow him to use his cell phone without having the phone pressed against the temporal bone, which is in close proximity to the brain. Most cell phones today included these ear buds in the box, I know my Blackberry did. The other option is to use the speakerphone which is my personal favorite, especially in the car. I would also recommend he not carry the phone on his person, he could simply turn the phone off or put it in Airplane mode when not using it. Conclusion Radiation protection is founded on the premise that there is no safe amount of ionizing radiation. We should apply this approach when thinking about how and when we use our cellular phones even though they emit non-ionizing radiation. All the negative health implications of long-term cell phone usage are still unknown. Brain tumors take at least 10 to 20 years to manifest themselves. Source: Khurana, G. (2008). Taking a lesson taught to us from history with the health issues associated with x-rays and cigarettes, we need to take a more conservative approach when using a cell phone. Cell phones are now rated for how much specific absorbed rate per kilogram (SAR) they emit. There are many sources on the internet that compare the specific absorbed rate of phones from various manufacturers. Choose a cell phone model which emits a low amount of radiation to begin with. As consumers we should demand that objective studies be done over a long period of time using a number of subjects signif icantly relative to the amount of people using this technology. These studies must be conducted by experts in the medical community familiar with studying the mechanism of the causes of cancer. We should pressure our lawmakers to put in place more stringent requirements when it comes to minimizing the specific absorbed rate and improve the design to minimize. While not within the scope of this paper, I would be negligent not to mention the importance of controlling the cell phone usage of our children; their bodies are far more susceptible to the effects of RF radiation. Source: Khurana, G. (2008). The biggest challenge is to make people understand that no one is asking them to stop using their cell phone. Cell phones are an invaluable communication technology. For your own well being and that of your family please be aware of the dangers and how to limit the effects of them.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Relationship of Philosophy with Real Life :: essays research papers
Philosophy has a strong influence on everyone’s day-to-day life. We all enrich our lives by thinking about things with a substantial value. We use philosophy as a sort of roadmap to direct us through our lives. We, of course, take other things into consideration while we are going through our day, but philosophy is one of the more ample ones.      Philosophy is, according to the dictionary, â€Å"Literally, the love of, including the search after, wisdom†. This applies to my life, when I am in school and when I am out of school. When I am in classes, I use the available knowledge in books, the lovely newspaper articles from English class (hehe), and the brains of teachers, in order to aid in my ‘hunt’. Wisdom is something that interests almost all of us. It provides us with answers to the everyday problems we run into, and curbs our curiosity. When I am out of school, I read novels in order to expand my imagination, and learn about what happened in the past. The fiction novels I read, allow me to learn about abstract and surreal ideas. I try to dedicate time from my schedule in order to read, because not only does it provide entertainment, but it also allows the intelligence of humans to travel beyond just what is sensible. The intelligence should consist of real hard facts, as well as fictional thoughts as well. I also watch the news about events that are happening around the world. Everyone should do this activity, because you gain insight on mistakes that have happened, and information on how challenges affect people. By integrating both ideal thoughts and real facts, it helps create a better-rounded persona, which is one of the outlining definitions of philosophy. This idea is expressed in the following quote â€Å"the science of truths sensible and abstract†.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
How to Overcome a Fear
It is natural for everyone, even the most courageous people, to have fears, which are the body’s bad emotional reactions to something frightened. However, when fears limit people’s everyday routine and keep them from living their life normally, it is time to take control, which is not an easy work. Most people want to overcome their fears, but are not sure how. Here are 4 steps which will be helpful to overcome fears. The first step is analyzing the fear. The more clearly you understand your fear, the easier for you to find how to handle it.Therefore, in this very first stage, you need to identify your fear: its name, its cause and its effect; and determine whether there is a good reason for the existence of the fear because some fears can be healthy emotions that protect you from danger. After that, you also should think about what exactly you want to change. It means that beside the big goal: overcoming the fear, smaller ones is necessary to be set to help you get the re. For example, if your fear is heights, you may want to be able to go on a hiking trip with the outdoor club at school.One more important thing is that all this fear analysis should be written down as a journal. It will be a good way to track your progress of conquering your fear and also a guide for the next time when you have another problem. After the fear is analyzed, in this second step, it will have to be taken control of. It depends on what your fear is. If you are afraid of something because it is a mystery, try exposing yourself to it in small doses until you gain a better understanding and your fear begins to dissipate.Or, if you are frightened by a particular thing, confronting head-on will be the best way to overcome it. No matter which situation you are in, taking control of a fear is not easy. It will take many times before you can declare it conquered. During that long period, to give up is simple and to keep trying is difficult. When you face with setbacks, it can be tempting to give up. Hence, stay determined to persevere even when it seems impossible to get past your fear by keeping these pointers in mind: do not confuse fear with fate and do not let other people hold you back.Changing the way of thinking about fear is the next step. It has to be admitted that sometimes fear also incite feelings of exhilaration and even passion. That is why people enjoy extreme sports, horror movies or other risky games. Try to reframe your fear in a positive light and acknowledge the thrill it can offer and you will not find it frightened anymore. Moreover, fear can be used as a tool to help us identify problems and solve them effectively. It is a guidepost warning us when something needs attention.Once the discomfort of the initial wave of fear passes, examine it more closely to see what you can learn. When you start seeing fear as a source of energy or an opportunity for promotion, you might even embrace its role in your life. Finally, give the fear a pl ace in the life because there is no way to eliminate it totally. Like joy or sadness, fear is a valid emotion. It builds your character and teaches you how to act with courage. Also, do not wait until the fear has been completely overcome to give yourself a pat on the back for your effort.Celebrate each milestone and when you see how good it feels to gain an edge on the fear, you will be ready to face the next one head-on. In conclusion, there are four major steps to help people overcome a fear: analyze the fear, take control of it, change the way of thinking about it and give it a place in the life. All of these steps are not simple and often take much of time and effort to be successful. However, nothing is impossible if you really want and try your best to gain it.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Teaching Handwriting And Cursive Writing - 1274 Words
In this era, with technology in it’s prime, the need for anything ‘manual’ has decreased significantly. Often left out in the cold, the teaching of handwriting and cursive writing in school systems has become almost a figment of our imagination with everything from letters to emails and faxes to mail delivery. The question that is being asked now, is, why are there still some school systems that persist on keeping the form of calligraphy alive and well in their curriculum, when technology will inevitably keep evolving? Writing is one of the earliest skills taught to children and of all knowledge, it is the backbone of english development (Graham). Teaching handwriting and cursive in school systems has been recently abandoned for more time focused on core subjects, however, handwriting and cursive writing is beneficial to students through English skills and brain development; therefore, public schools should not halt the teaching of cursive and handwriting. In clas srooms where the emphasis of cursive writing has been abandoned, the time taken away from learning to properly write, will be focused more on subjects like math, reading, and typing (Lee 98). It is assumed that student’s handwriting will eventually advance by surrounding the students with works of literature where they have the convenience of interpreting famous literary works into their own writing (Graham 10). Opposers argue that handwriting is antiquated and it is just a matter of time until technology willShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay on Cursive Writing1075 Words  | 5 Pages Date: Taught more than thirty decades ago, cursive writing has a famed and legendary past. It was once a vital element of American education but is now becoming an archaic artefact as technology advancement and the requirement of more regulated tests push it out of the education system. 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